Ayurveda, Kinesiology
Cranio Sacral
Thai Massage
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Thai Massage

THAILAND MASSAGE learned directly from Maestro Ajarn Sinchai Sukparset

Ajarn (Thai title to define a teacher or professor) is a blind visitor recognized by the local population and medical community as the most competent person and experience in the medical massage in Chiang Mai.

Thai massage is an ancient healing system that combines acupressure points, Indian ayurvedic principles, and Yoga assisted postures.

The founder of Thai medicine and massage is said to have been Shivago Komarpai who was also the Buddha's doctor more than 2,500 years ago.

Ajarn Sinchai's approach has been developed by its over 47 years of experience. No senseless or acrobatic maneuver. It's a method that just works and is the right way to relieve muscle pain easily.

For more information, please visit
: www.sinchaimassage.com

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